
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

# 2024 # Author Interview

Rachelle Paige Campbell - Catch a Cowboy #AuthorInterview

What does your writing process look like?

               My writing process starts and ends with a lot of thinking time. What that looks like to my husband (we share an office) is me staring at a wall, starting a conversation, and then racing to type/talk into my phone/write on paper. I like to build in time for each step (outline, first draft, edits) to think through the story. Without the time, I miss key elements I wanted to add to the plot or characterization.

Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?

               My strangest writing habit might be dictation into my phone while I walk. I put on my sunglasses and a hat and stride down the sidewalk outside my front door. Everyone in my neighborhood knows I write so they are all used to me talking to myself as I get my steps in.

What book do you wish you could have written?

               I don’t have too many wish I could have moments in my life. But, years ago, I remember a TV movie about a girl who went on a Christian dating site and ended up matching with a pastor. It was such a fun idea, I would have loved to write it.

If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?

               For Catch A Cowboy, I’d love Hollywood to cast Hailee Steinfeld as Stephanie and Jensen Ackles as Ted. I think they would have great chemistry on camera and Hailee has the laugh at herself charm needed to play Stephanie.

What question do you wish that someone would ask about your book, but nobody has? Write it out here, then answer it.

Did any books or movies inspire you while writing this book?

               I grew up on The Thorn Birds, the TV mini-series based on Colleen McCullough’s epic book. I really mean grew up. The show premiered when I was a toddler and I think we watched it every year on VHS. I live in a suburb outside of Chicago. I have limited real-life experience with a ranch. But I have a lot of memories of Drogheda and in many ways that ranch inspired the Kincaid ranch in my Match Made in Montana series. In fact, there is a pivotal scene in Catch A Cowboy that is directly inspired by The Thorn Birds and fans will spot it instantly.

Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

               I have loved books for as long as I can remember. I credit this to my mom. She used to read to me as a child (although she’d sneak out after she read to me before naptime) and I grew up seeing her read. It’s not summer to me unless I have a plastic covered library hardback just like my mom.

How long have you been writing?

               I’m the boring, been writing since childhood, person. My mom has tons of my old stories saved. In college, I started writing fan fiction for Pride and Prejudice. I used to frequent the website Shades of Pemberley and read (but I never got up the nerve to post). I didn’t start writing to publish until I’d had my second child. I realized I couldn’t tell them to chase their dreams if I wasn’t willing to do the same.

What kind(s) of writing do you do?

               The majority of my time is devoted to writing fiction and mostly in novel-length. Over the past couple of years, I’ve dabbled with serializations and short stories. But I always come back to a full-length book.

What social networks and websites do you participate on?

 I’m active on Instagram and my website.

a.      Website:

b.      Facebook:

c.      Instagram:

d.      Bluesky:


e.      Twitter:

f.       Bookbub:

g.      Pinterest:

h.      Amazon Author Page:

i.       Goodreads:

j.       Tiktok:


This or That

~ Dogs or cats? Dogs

~ Gift Cards or Cash? Cash

~ Dress up or dress down? Dress up

~ Bright or Neutral Colors? Bright colors

~ Mickey Mouse or Dora the Explorer? Mickey Mouse

~ Christmas or Halloween? Christmas

~ Drawing or Painting? Painting

~ Cars or bikes? Bikes

~ Laptop or desktop? Laptop

~ Motel or hotel? Hotel

~ Circus or Carnival? Circus

~ Car or truck? Car

~ Skiing or snowboarding? (Neither—ski lodge)


Book Blurb:

Kincaid Ranch’s lead cowboy, Ted Stirling, isn’t looking for romance or entanglements. He settled in Herd, Montana over a decade ago after a devastating loss. He’s seeking comfort and friendship. Nothing more. If he was going to try for love again, he would pick someone sweet and sunny, exactly like kindergarten teacher, Stephanie Patricks. But she’s too young for him.

Stephanie has nursed a crush on quiet, handsome Ted for years. Unfortunately, every time she’s around him, she gets tongue-tied. She only seems to be able to find her words when she’s working with her students. When Ted’s sister unexpectedly arrives in town with his five-year-old niece in tow, he needs help, and Stephanie is just the woman to provide it.

A sudden emergency puts into sharp focus exactly how fragile life is, and Ted needs to decide whether to open his heart again, or let love slip away forever.


Book Buy link:


Author Bio:

Rachelle Paige Campbell writes contemporary romance novels filled with heart and hope. With a master’s degree in Art History, she is always eager for a chance to sneak antiques into her books. Missing works of art capture a special place in her imagination. She believes love and laughter can change lives, and every story needs a happily ever after.


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