In part two of this four-part series, we explored the various motivations of female serial killers. In this third part, we will delve into the psychology behind their behavior.
Research has shown that various factors impact a female serial killer's mental state, including prior trauma, personality, and environmental factors. Here are some of the most significant psychological factors associated with female serial killers.
Personality Disorders
Personality disorders, including Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), are common among female serial killers. Such disorders can result in impulsivity, poor impulse control, and a lack of empathy, all of which can lead to the commission of aggressive acts.
Trauma and Abuse
Like male serial killers, many female serial killers have experienced significant trauma and abuse in their lives. Survivors of early childhood abuse or neglect may develop PTSD, dissociative disorders, or other psychiatric illnesses that may lead to inadequate emotion regulation and deviant, impulsive behavior.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors play a significant role in the development of female serial killers. This includes poverty, parental neglect, and exposure to violence or crime. This exposure can result in the development of mental illness, substance abuse, and criminal behavior.
Female serial killers often have features of psychopathy, which means they present a shallow affect, cruelty, and are skilled in deceiving individuals. These traits can facilitate serial killings and the ability to evade detection.
Female serial killers’ motivations and behaviors exhibit a profound relationship between various psychological factors associated with their growth and development. Environmental factors, trauma and abuse, and personality and psychological disorders are more prevalent in female serial killers than in male ones. The various psychological factors linked to female serial killer behavior form part of a complex set of socio-cultural and individual factors that make them different from male serial killers.
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