
Friday, May 10, 2024

# 2024 # Goals

#IndieAuthor #Writing #Goals

The schedule has been hectic. I work 2p-230a and have my (now 6 weeks old) grandson from 8a-2p - I will also have his 5-year-old sister next week. I take my adult daughter and son both to work as well as to all of their appointments (baby appointments too).

I need to make my career as a writer so I can actually sleep :)

Speaking of, you can follow my Amazon Author Page HERE

I prioritized getting the previous beta reads published and will now work to spend some time (I'll scrape it up somewhere) in the writing cave, trying to meet my new deadlines.

Sign up for my newsletter HERE (there will be a free print book giveaway each month!)

2025 goals will be less as I'll have weeded my way through the previously partially written books in my manuscript stack. But hoping for:

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