
Sunday, August 25, 2024

# 2024 # 5 Year Plan

Progress Update -- #FiveYearPlan - #Goals #WriterLife #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity

The above was my initial 5 year plan that I shared in 2023. Since we are more than half way through 2025, I thought I'd give a bit of a progress update along with a bit of what's to come. 
I've been super quiet as I've had some health issues (let's face it, we aren't getting any younger and I've been in the book world for over 15 years). I've welcomed a new grandchild. I've been trying to advance my career so that I can actually afford all my bills (I still can't 4 promotions with my company later).
Hopefully I can eventually sell some books (I will catch up on royalty transparency as well).

This was the sort of updated plan that I shared in May or June of this year (2024). I released 4 or the originally planned 12 (from my 2023 goals image) -- but did up 2024 from 12 books to 14.
I did not release any books in July or September, which puts me 8 behind.
My newsletter - well, Mad Mimi let us know earlier this summer that they would no longer be hosting and the other newsletter sites I just can't afford. I am trying to figure out an alternative.
I have been working to finish all the works in progress I've had at various stages of completion that have just sat and I have 12 copies of each and have to determine which is most recent (I wonder if any other authors have that issue). 
The good news is that I have gotten quite a few released and will be working during September to get them on Amazon for future month releases.
October, November, and December should all have FOUR releases each!
I am super excited as I've waited 10 years to finish up some of these.
So: May (4) Oct (4) Nov (4) Dec (4)
That will put me at 16, which exceeds my original 2024 goal (from 2023) and the latest 2024 goal (that I updated in 2024).

We will see how this works out -- more details here to come closer toward the end of the year.

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