
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

# 2023 # A-Z Challenge 2023

#AtoZChallenge - V

I was drawn to Elaine Viets' Dead End Job Mystery Series as it has been rumored that she worked each job to research it for her characters. I would LOVE to do this. It would be so exciting!
I am getting off path here...
You can find Book 1 HERE

Once on the fast track to success, Helen Hawthorne is now going nowhere fast.  She traded in her chic life for a shabby one.  And now she's on the fun, jumping from city to city and dead-end job to dead-end job, trying to stay one step ahead of her past...

After two weeks as the new salesclerk at Juliana's, Fort Lauderdale's ultra-exclusive clothing boutique, Helen still feels out of fashion.  And since the only crime likely to be committed around here is being old-or worse, looking old-Helen figures she is safe.  Until she discovers the manager has been embezzling money and selling designer drugs along with the designer clothes.  Add murder to the mix-and Helen's dead-end job is downright deadly.

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