
Friday, October 27, 2023

# 2023 # Book Review

#BookReview - The Highlander's Bride Trouble by Mary Wine


Has this savage Highlander finally found a woman to tame him?
Nareen Grant is confident, well-educated, and quick with a dagger. So when her brother Kael unknowingly sends her to live at a cousin's secret brothel, she escapes to court where she meets the arrogant Highlander Saer MacLeod...
Saer is considered savage even by most Highlanders. It will take an extraordinary woman to handle him, and Nareen enchants him like no one he's met before. When a furious Kael threatens revenge against the cousin who wronged his sister, Saer knows it's his one chance to win over Nareen and reclaim the respect his family deserves...and he's going to take it.
My Thoughts:

 The story itself was good. Although, again, I had an issue with the main female character. Nareen is simply too stubborn. (I know, I'm difficult to make happy. I dislike a whiney character that is wimpy, I dislike guys who are too whipped, and I also dislike women who are far too stubborn. There needs to be some sort of balance.)

Perhaps it was the issues with her cousin that made Nareen the way she was. However, no one - not even Nareen - can know all.

Saer's character was refreshing in comparison to Nareen's. While I wasn't jumping for joy for him, he was infinitely easier to like than his heroine.

If you can handle an overly stubborn heroine, you'll absolutely love this one.

 My Rating: 3/5

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