
Sunday, November 12, 2023

# 2023 # article

#SocialMedia #Tips ~ Why I Left Your Blog

**Another post I've updated a bit and transferred here - it will be nice to have one spot and not lose content

Keep in mind, I'm no expert and I don't claim to be (seems way too many people online claim to be and what you get is a bunch of generic information you already knew anyway).

This is not blogger only - but for all blog hosts and websites.

Want to know why I left your blog? Want to know why I probably won't return?

TWO big reasons.

+If I'm there for a specific post and there wasn't a direct link and I have to hunt for said post. The internet is too full of interesting topics for me to spent 15 minutes trying to find yours. It seems many people participate in something, no direct link, and want to put three or four posts above said "high traffic" post to get views on other posts. Instead, link directly to said post and even toss in a few other post links toward.. This gives your reader what they want and may get them to check out the other stuff. BUT, this doesn't mean link up 10 posts. ;)

+Your blog took too long to load. Seriously, give up some of the sidebar graphics. I know many people want to promote every book they've released or item they have in their shop, or top 20 articles from their blog on the main part of their blog. Others want to showcase every product or every graphic from the last two years. But, really, chances are, if I came to your blog and it loads, I'm going to stick around and explore for a bit. List your latest couple and have a separate - easy to find - page for all your books or products. Drop down menus are amazing for making things easier to find (speaking of that - I should finish setting up my menus). Take advantage of the "Popular Posts" widget. BUT, my advise is to select an option to show top 5. Again - loading issues for some.

OTHER reasons-

+ Clutter: I know there are template options that have four or more columns, but honestly, stay away from them. It's just too busy as your blog gets bigger. When blogs are small and have a few posts, it's not so bad. But as you grow - which you will - it makes it messy. 
+ Too many ads within your post: I get you are trying to make money for your blog. Believe me, I'd love to be able to as well. However, I'm here for your article, not to get interrupted ten times or wait longer for it to load as every ad has to have the ring of death for 2 minutes before it's fully loaded and will allow me to scroll past. Sure, do your ad thing - but in moderation. Chances are, if there's more than two, I've given up and clicked off your site.
+Sending me page to page to read one article: We've all been there - we see this article that sounds good and click on it. We get to read a short paragraph or two with and image and then have to click next. Again, we get a small paragraph or two and an image and have to click next. I've had this go for more than ten clicks. Honestly, I won't even read those at all anymore.

Notes - 

+Yes, people will miss things on your blog. But, if what they came for impresses them or was useful, they will be back.

+Yes, there are billions of blogs which equals tons of competition in the same niches. This makes us want to cover more and more to try to pull in more readers in different areas. In all seriousness - do what works for you. I will be covering a broad range, but most is all my normal every day life stuff. Do I crochet everyday? No. But I'll share patterns or yarn or color palettes when I do. Don't feel a need to push your posts. You don't have to write in all your topics every day. Quality.

+But you said don't over clutter and you have these huge graphics on the top of your blog. Yes, I do. But if you notice, my posts are mainly the only images on my blog. I've tested load time on various internet providers and in various browsers. Do the same on yours to make sure it will load well for most. You can do this by going to a library if their service is different than yours, testing hotspots, cell phone loading times, and internet providers that friends and local businesses have.

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